588 Retail Therapy
Why the title "Retail Therapy," you ask? One of my favorite stores, Crate and Barrel in Lincoln Park/Chicago carries beautiful fresh flowers, the only C and B to do so. Their arrangements are always unusual and delightful to see amidst all the cool stuff.
406 Cheer
338 Welcome Spring
304. Shy
303. Grateful
301. Free Spirited
300. Fickle
I have come to the conclusion that I am not fond of the color purple. Maybe it is because I look hideous in it and I have transferred my distaste to the palette. I don't mind other people's use of purple, it's just that I don't like painting purple flowers. This painting has gone through a variety of changes because I couldn't make up my mind, hence the title.
299. Encouraged
My trips to the grocery store floral department have been productive. Every time I visit, there are new arrangements to photograph. Lately the designers have been getting a little tight and fussy with the flowers, and it's throwing me off as my goal is to loosen up. I am making every effort to avoid translating their fussiness into my paintings.