646 Strawberry Festival
It's strawberry picking time in Wisconsin, and the charming town of Cedarburg has its annual Strawberry Festival this weekend. In addition, Cedarburg Art Center just finished its annual 10 day Plein Air Festival and the completed artwork was on display beginning today. The weather was beautiful for the painters and the paintings were not "foggy" like last year. The artists did a wonderful job and many of the paintings were sold early on.
These are more strawberries my neighbors picked for me on their second strawberry picking trip.
"646 Strawberry Festival"
acrylic - 6x8 in
These are more strawberries my neighbors picked for me on their second strawberry picking trip.
"646 Strawberry Festival"
acrylic - 6x8 in
599 Bringing Spring Inside
Off to Door County
It's official. My paintings are now on the walls and one in the calendar of my favorite gallery in Fish Creek/Door County, Wisconsin. The second batch of paintings shipped to them yesterday is shown in the first photo, framed with my favorite floater frames from Franken Frames. The first batch, framed with gilded frames as shown in the second photo, was delivered by the kindest of friends to the gallery. All in all, there are 26 paintings from my blue and white bowl series. I hope they will be well received.
I didn't finish my painting of Mama Owl today, hopefully tomorrow. It was thrilling to see Papa and the two babies, who are nearly as big as Dad now, posing for me this afternoon, third photo. Pretty cool, isn't it????
564 Misunderstanding
Yikes. I just realized I painted this once before, but I thought I was painting a different view. I guess you can paint the same thing several times and the paintings will never be exactly the same.
To me, the onions look like they are at odds, perhaps there was a misunderstanding.
To me, the onions look like they are at odds, perhaps there was a misunderstanding.
562. Citrus in the Spotlight
558. Combover
I had a difficult time naming this one, but I think it's perfect.
555. Man Overboard
We love tomatoes at our house, and there seem to be many options. This was a box of mini heirlooms from the grocery store and they are much tastier than the rock hard, mealy larger tomatoes.
554, Encore, In the Limelight
I like this lighting much better than yesterday's and am much happier with this painting and the larger format.
553 Citrus in the Limelight
I will be curious to see if I like this still life better with my usual dramatic lighting. I do like the way the bowl is the star in this painting.
The grocery shopper in the family wonders where his produce disappears to. (smile)
The grocery shopper in the family wonders where his produce disappears to. (smile)
551 Outnumbered
Today I spent the better part of the day experimenting with a new set of water soluble oil paints. I loved the juiciness of the paint, but I had no idea what to do with it. I have read other artists write that they "wiped off" and began again and now know what they mean, having done that FOUR times. I still have three very pathetic attempts waiting to dry so I can try to learn from them and move on.
I love acrylics because they dry quickly and I can accomplish many layers. With the oil paints, the "many layers" turned into a dirty mess.
I will try again, but perhaps I should keep my day job.
I love acrylics because they dry quickly and I can accomplish many layers. With the oil paints, the "many layers" turned into a dirty mess.
I will try again, but perhaps I should keep my day job.
550 Suspicious
I originally had a different title picked out for this painting, but changed my mind at the last minute.
These "on the vine" tomatoes are so perfect and uniform in size and shape that it certainly raises my suspicion. In the middle of winter, tomatoes are almost always a disappointment.
These "on the vine" tomatoes are so perfect and uniform in size and shape that it certainly raises my suspicion. In the middle of winter, tomatoes are almost always a disappointment.
545 Cultured
In this blog post, on my monitor, the colors of the onions look a little too purple. They are more subtle than appears here.