668 Lebanese Cherries
While in Lebanon last month, we attended a beautiful engagement party where the most picturesque food was served, including fruits and vegetables so fresh and pure, that we rarely see here in the United States. I was happy to see cherries, as I have a special place in my heart for them, since they represent Door County, Wisconsin, a favorite spot. These had an interesting purple stripe, which I've never seen before.
In other news: I am so excited that the TV production company for Chicago Fire has rented another of my paintings, "603 Sunflowers in the Sunroom." It's a small gesture that validates and motivates this artist's work, and for that I am very grateful.
"668 Lebanese Cherries"
acrylic - 6x8 in
In other news: I am so excited that the TV production company for Chicago Fire has rented another of my paintings, "603 Sunflowers in the Sunroom." It's a small gesture that validates and motivates this artist's work, and for that I am very grateful.
"668 Lebanese Cherries"
acrylic - 6x8 in
656 Rebellious
650 Red, White and Blue
625 Door County Classic
Door County has always been known for it's cherry production. They have become even more popular since research has shown the antioxidant health benefits of cherries. You can buy cherry jam, wine, honey, juice, salsa, pies, sausage, dried cherries, frozen cherries, and the list goes on. The cherry trees are in full bloom now, which means that the cherries will be ready to pick in approximately 60 days.
620 Door County!
Today is a special day. My paintings are hanging on the walls of a gallery I have worked hard and long for. I was honored with a party given by dear long-time friends, with many surprise guest friends who traveled far to celebrate with me. I can't even think of adequate words to express how I feel, blessed indeed, and oh, so happy.